CCI Antitrust Probe finds that Apple Abused its Position in the Apps Market

An investigation by India’s antitrust body has found that Apple exploited its dominant position in the market for app stores on its iOS operating system, engaging “in abusive conduct and practices”, a confidential report seen by Reuters showed. The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has been investigating Apple Inc, since 2021 for possibly abusing its dominant position in the apps market by forcing developers to use its proprietary in-app purchase system. The CCI’s investigations unit, in its 142-page report which is not public but was seen by Reuters, said Apple wields “significant influence” over how digital products and services reach consumers, especially through its iOS platform and App Store.

UAE Announces New Competition Law Prohibiting Firms From Offering ‘Very Low’ Prices

The UAE is prohibiting companies from offering or applying very low prices for production, transfer and marketing with a monopolistic approach to drive other companies out of competition. The new law defines competition as the act of conducting economic activities based on market mechanisms, but not such mechanisms that harm trade, development and consumer interests. This was aimed at ensuring fair competition and prohibition of monopolistic approaches for all companies and also protecting consumers’ rights in the country. The law will also regulate mergers and acquisitions (M&As) in the local market.

Apple Inc. will Let Rivals use its Tap-and-Go Payments as EU’s Vestager Warns on Tech Antitrust Charges

The European Union antitrust regulators said on Thursday that Apple will open its tap-and-go mobile payments system to rivals. The company has faced three investigations under the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which requires Big Tech to ensure a level playing field for rivals and give users more choice. Apple’s tap-and-go technology called near-field communication, or NFC, allows for contactless payments with mobile wallets. It will now allow developers to access its NFC to pre-build payment apps for rival mobile vallet providers.

Microsoft Avoids Formal Antitrust European Commission Probe over Abusive Licensing Claims by Settling Case with Cloud Infrastructure Service Provider Europe (CISPE)

A group of 27 cloud providers have agreed to settle the complaint they lodged with the European Commission over alleged anti-competitive behaviour related to the cost they pay to run Microsoft’s software in their datacentres. The agreement, which will remain confidential, was voted on this afternoon by the members of the Cloud Infrastructure Service Provider of Europe (CISPE) trade group, comprising of 26 firms in Europe and Amazon Web Services (AWS). It means Microsoft has managed to avoid greater scrutiny and a potential date with the regulators.

Delivery Hero Shares Slip as it Flags Potential Antitrust Fine

Shares in Delivery Hero fell as much as 17.4% in early trading on Monday, a day after the German online food takeaway firm said the European Commission might fine it more than 400 million euros ($433 million) due to antitrust violations. The fine would be for alleged anti-competitive agreement to share national markets, exchanges of commercially sensitive information and no-poach agreement, a statement by the Company said. Delivery Hero said that they would cooperate with the Commission’s investigation like they had done before, during the raids of July 2022 and November 2023

Delhi High Court gives Punishment under Contempt of Court for Abusing the Court’s Process

The Delhi High Court recently convicted a man for criminal contempt of court and ordered him to remain present in the court throughout the day as punishment along with imposition of fine of ₹1 lakh on contemnor. The conviction by the court was for seeking money by the contemnor from the owner of an alleged illegal construction. He had filed a petition before the High Court against the construction and sought money to withdraw the plea. A Division Bench of Justices Prathiba M Singh and Amit Sharma said that Sharma’s conduct showed utter disregard and abuse of the Court’s process which cannot be condoned. [Court on its own motion v Pradeep Aggarwal]