Global Legal Experts

Kaushal Kumar Sharma

Firm: KK Sharma Law Offices
Country: India
Practice Area: Merger Control

KK Sharma Law Offices, dealing in Competition Law, Income Tax, Enforcement and Investigation, Governance, Regulation and Risk, Public Affairs and Policy with footprints across continents, having a track record of offering entire spectrum of litigation support and consultancy of very high standard, was established by Mr. KK Sharma.

Mr. Sharma, as the very first Director General (‘DG’) of functional Competition Commission of India (‘CCI’) established competition law investigation framework in India. As the first head of Merger & Antitrust Divisions, Indian Merger Review Format was established by him. The Firm has been rated very highly in the field of competition law by different publications in India and abroad such as ‘Experts Guide of Euromoney Asia’ and ‘Silicon India’, etc. The Chairman of the Firm, Mr. Sharma, one of the leading experts on competition law, is invited, across the globe, to speak on topics related to competition law and policy and is, often, called ‘father of competition law in India’.

Very frequently, the Firm is invited to contribute India specific chapters on different laws – International Comparative Legal Guide(ICLG) and Global Competition Review(GCR) being amongst them. The Firm has been to established a new benchmark in customer service delivery – be it a relief from the allegations of competition law violations against its clients or the imposition of heavy penalties if any of its clients is a victim of allegations of any anti-competitive conduct or any other matters. By consistency in client satisfaction, the Firm has achieved a position of prominence among its peers and can proudly look back at its track record on its past body of work

Amongst the matters dealt by the Firm are many landmark cases involving huge penalties – the latest amongst them being successfully contesting a penalty of USD 115 Million (INR 6.71 Billion) on four of its clients and relief of more than USD 14.29 Million (INR 10 Billion) to a Denmark company despite an adverse report by DG.

Chairman of the Firm, Mr. KK Sharma, Member of RPP Platform of Competition Law and Policy Branch (‘CLPB’) of UNCTAD, was also on the Global Antitrust Advisory Board of Bloomberg. The Firm has successfully dealt with matters spread across various sectors such as automobiles, real estate, insurance, liquor manufacturing and trading, shipping industry, manufacturing, oil chemical industry, bulk road transportation, future trading of agricultural commodities, power generation and transmission, to name a few.
