The Allahabad High Court recently said the State should cancel the licences of journalists found indulging in anti-social activities like blackmailing under the garb of journalism [Puneet Mishra Alias Puneet Kumar Mishra and Another vs State of UP].
Strategic Consultant
The Allahabad High Court recently said the State should cancel the licences of journalists found indulging in anti-social activities like blackmailing under the garb of journalism [Puneet Mishra Alias Puneet Kumar Mishra and Another vs State of UP].
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The information is made available/ provided to the user only on his/ her specific request and any information obtained or material downloaded from this website is completely at the user's volition and any transmission, receipt or use of this site is not intended to, and will not, create any lawyer-client relationship; and none of the information contained on the website is in the nature of a legal opinion or otherwise amounts to any legal advice. Thus KK Sharma Law Offices will not be liable for any consequence of any action taken by the user relying on material/ information provided under this website.
Having got one of the global automobiles giants imposed with a fine of Rs. 87 crores amongst other instances, our grip on this sector is complete. KK Sharma Law Offices ('Firm') has dealt with the procurement of services of Car Carrier Trucks by market leader in automobile sector in India and brought the anti-competitive practices to the fore.
The very first investigation in the country into competition law violations was made which resulted in a cascading effect of company after company giving up the claims of loan foreclosure charges in home and car loans across the country, amongst others, were under taken.
When the allegations of cartel were brought before the enforcement machinery against the flexible conveyor belt manufacturers they were clear in their mind that only KKSLO can deal it successfully and, accordingly, they availed our services.
The very first successful instance of cartelisation dealt by the competition agency in the case of Ficci Multiplex Association was very successfully dealt with by the competition agency under the overall supervision of Mr. Sharma.
The very first penalty on the leading stock exchange of the country exceeding Rs.50 Crores was based on the investigation done by the Mr. Sharma. Subsequently, when there were allegations of future trading and guar gum and other similar commodities, for saving the enterprises from huge fines, the Firm was the natural choice for representing these companies.
It may not be that well known no manufactured vehicle can leave the premises of the manufacturer except without being loaded on to the car carrier trucks. When the instances of anti competitive practices came to the fore, the Firm was the first choice to taken services from.